
How To Create A Set In Tableau

How to create a Set in Tableau

Introduction to Create Set in Tableau

Tableau is a Business organisation Intelligence tool for visually analyzing the data. Everything nosotros do is increasingly contributing to huge amounts of data which can be leveraged past organizations to increment their business.  Tableau products are transforming the style people apply information to solve the problems. Tableau Software is the global leader in rapid-fire business intelligence software. Tableau is revolutionizing the way data is existence used. Tableau is used past businesses, academic researchers, and many government organizations for visual data assay. Tableau can connect to files, relational and Large Data sources to learn and procedure information.

Set Overview

Set are custom fields that are created within Tableau Desktop based on dimensions from your data source. Tableau uses filters, groups and prepare to organize data.  Gear up tin be idea of equally custom segments, but unlike dimension fields, they are always binary. Tableau Fix is a custom filed used to hold the subset of data based on some condition. Tableau prepare allows yous to isolate specific segments of a dimension, and tin then exist used in several different ways to discover insights into your information. Fix in Tableau are used to create subsets of data based on certain atmospheric condition defined by the user.

What is Set about?

  • Set are subsets of your data, which can be created manually or computed. Either dimensions or measures tin be used to determine what is included or excluded from a set using conditional logic. Set can exist created for having a subset data of summit 10 customers with the highest sales.
  • You lot can pick private dimension members to place in a set, have set up be based on quantitative thresholds, created with the pinnacle or lesser performing dimension members, and more than. At that place are certain use cases of a set.  Some of these utilize cases include highlighting data that meets certain criteria, examining manually selected members of a dimension, comparing and contrasting members in the set vs. those that are not (IN/OUT), creating a combined set and much more than.
  • In real-time Tableau, Set can exist created past selecting members from a listing or By writing custom Condition or Selecting Top or Bottom few records based on Measure value so on.
  • Within Tableau, the icon for a set is represented by a minor Venn diagram (two interlocking rings). Set are too included in Tableau data sources (*.tds files), Tableau data extracts (*.tde files) and packaged Tableau data sources (*.tdsx).

How to create Set in Tableau?

Permit usa see how to create Set up in Tableau:-

1. Static Set

It is a very easy and straight-forward method to create a static set in a tableau. There are unlike ways – a user can create a set in tableau. As shown on the beneath prototype – I am using the sum of Sales in Cavalcade field and Customer Proper name on Rows. I am using default information – Superstore data set provided past Tableau.

  1. I accept arranged information in gild of a customer with the highest sales.
  2. I have selected the Height 10 Customer Name
  3. Right-click and create set on the icon shown equally a pocket-size Venn diagram

Static Set

  1. I have given Name Top 10 Client as a gear up proper noun and clicked on OK.

Set Name

  1. As shown in the beneath diagram – You lot can see, I have created set of Top 10 Client. The gear up volition appear on the Fix Shelf on the left-hand side of the console.

Set Shelf

This set tells united states whether each client name is in or out of the top x customers by sales. This prepare is bachelor to utilize our assay. This set created is static in nature, it means when a new customer enters to top ten, it will not dynamically change.

2. Dynamic Set

Yous can create a dynamic set up. It means a dynamic gear up allows you to modify value when the data prepare is getting updated. Below are the steps to create a dynamic set up:

1. Yous can select dimension as shown below, I take selected the top 15 sales value. Correct-click and create set on the icon shown as a small Venn diagram

Venn Diagram2. I have given Name Peak fifteen Sales as a set proper name and clicked on OK.

Sales Name

three. Equally shown in below diagram – You tin can run into, I accept created gear up of Top 15 Sales. The ready will appear on the Set Shelf on the left-hand side of the panel.

  1. Dynamic Set

Dynamic set like to a higher place will dynamically update their information when their values of sales are updating. A dynamic set is good for existent-time analysis.

5 Means to utilize Fix

There are five ways to use the gear up.

  1. You can utilise set as a filter. Since sets are binary, yous tin can add them equally a filter. You tin use using by correct-clicking on a set from the Gear up Shelf and choosing Show Filters.
  2. You can apply set every bit encode marks.  Information technology tin can be done by dragging the prepare from the Set Shelf to the color mark carte du jour.
  3. You can use set equally a calculated field. Information technology can exist used like dimensions and measures.
  4. Yous tin use set as dimension fields. It can be washed by calculation fields to the cavalcade shelf or row shelf, the view will exist sliced and diced by that dimension field.
  5. Yous can sue set every bit a Custom hierarchy. It allows you and ends users to hands drill won and support beyond different dimensions.

Filter: Filters tin can fifty-fifty use with logical conditions on measures or dimensions to change the subset of data that is returned. This seems much more in line with the functionality of a set than what we saw from a grouping.

Groups: Groups are used to simplify a visualization that is using a dimension with a large membership.  Groups must exist created within a dimension. Simplifies large numbers of dimension members by combining them into higher-level categories.

Examples for Creating Set in Tableau

In these examples, we are going to consider the superstore sales information which is available on the tableau'south website

Example#1 – Creating a Set as a filter

We will exist getting the excel file into tableau using import using excel.

Now we have taken the measure out (Profit) in columns and the dimension (customer name) in rows and have got the following event.

Now for creating a Set in a tableau, nosotros have to practise the following:

Right-click on customer proper name and and then click on a Create a Gear up.
(Note: Sets are ofttimes anchored to dimensions)

Creating Set in Tableau

Later on selecting the create set selection a dialogue box will open up. Three tabs the last one being Superlative, the easiest one amid all and we rename the set as a Meridian customer.

Creating Set in Tableau

Now nosotros will select the option a By field and select profit and sum and enter 30 as input.

Creating Set in Tableau

So at present we tin encounter that a new segmentation is created forth with measures and dimensions a new tab appears as Sets.

Creating Set in Tableau

Now if we drop the set in the filters pane we become the list of the top 30 customers in the information.

Creating Set in Tableau

Example #2 – Creating a Set every bit IN/OUT field

At present remove accept a new sheet and place the measured turn a profit in the column field and now place the set named top client in the rows field then nosotros will have the below image.

In and Out Field

Now a question may arise that what if we desire to see the peak 30 and bottom 30 together with the aforementioned canvas and not on 2 different sheets.

Case #3 – Showing both the top 30 and bottom 30

For this scenario, we select the bottom and besides, we are calculation a color variance just to accept a good wait betwixt the peak thirty and bottom 30 customers.

Top 30 Bottom 30

At present we have to click on a set and select acombined set up.

Create combined set

A dialogue box will popular up, we will be renaming the name as "Top 30 and bottom 30 customers".
We are given four options to select and if you are comfortable with databases then these options are similar to those of the four joins which are used in the database, namely:

  • Full join
  • Inner join
  • Left join
  • Right join

create set dialog box

Customer Name 3

1 of the all-time apply example scenario of sets being to exist able to be used as tools to clean up your data. Here we are considering the dimension (state) and are looking for the number of units that are sold in the land.

Sometimes we would like to remove some data from the dataset (which can also exist chosen as subsetting the data ) and for that, we here right-click on land à delete exclude à and and then again select usa which demand to be removed

Here we are excluding the states Florida and Georgia.


Subsequently creating a gear up in Tableau named cleaned state nosotros volition drag and driblet that field in the filter pane of the sheet.

Right-click on the filter pane above Cleaned state à and select show filters.

At present we tin can come across that the filter does not contain the two states which were excluded (Georgia and Florida)

Many times we would like to combine two or more than fields to subset the dataset and hence the below example shows how to subset from selecting from 2-three dimensions.

Here we are because three dimensions namely Land, Ship mode and Category and we are taking the measure as quantity into consideration.

Please place the dimensions and measures equally shown in the below figures.

dimensions and measures

dimensions and measures 1

Now for the data to be used every bit a customized filter select all the values above 250 past pressing downwardly the command key and select create set as shown below.

Customize data

Once the settings dialogue box pops upwards to rename the set as "To a higher place 250 transactions" and remove all dimensions and measures and pull out the prepare named Higher up 250 transactions from the Set tab which is located at the left bottom side of the sheet.

rename the set


In this, we have analyzed Tableau: How to create a Set and Tableau which is one of the avant-garde BI Tools. Tableau is primarily used to create a story from your data. Tableau is used for creating reports and interactive dashboards. It is mostly used for data visualizations and creating trends in data. Tableau is self-service elevate and drop tools for Business Intelligence. Tableau can be used for simple statistical analytics.

Recommended Articles

This has been a guide to Create Set in Tableau. Here we take discussed basic concept, how to create ready and ways to use it forth with examples. You may also take a look at the following articles to learn more –

  1. Uses of Tableau
  2. Splendid Tableau Interview Questions
  3. Visual Analytics vs Tableau
  4. Looker vs Tableau
  5. Guide to Set in JavaScript


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